Mr. Motanyane Duncan Motloung studied accounting and management at the University Of Johannesburg.
After a short stint in the corporate he established a brand in the hygiene sector called Basotho Cleaners and was Managing Director until selling a major stake. He also ventured in the media and communication industry to form a medium size advertising agency called Black Current.
Mr. Motloung co-founded a reading and writing initiative project called bookworm and later became its Chief Financial Officer. He has done extensive work with social programmes and homes as part of a social responsibility initiative. In 2005 he co-founded Umeme Africa Engineering was appointed as CFO and later became CEO. He brings a lot of business, operations, financial management, administration and people’s skills.
A born entrepreneur with great skills and knowledge in energy and telecoms as a founder.
Our team
We at Umeme pride ourselves with hardworking and motivated staff members from Admin to Ground Technical.We are further proud of the work ethic and passion displayed by our Staff from start to completing projects in excellence. Our team remains forever committed to our Clients requirements, specifications, deadlines, needs, and end products per assignment.